24 - 25 September 2025
ExCeL London

More Better Leads Forever (Part 1) - Understanding the customer
13 Min Read
13 Min Read

More Better Leads Forever (Part 1) - Understanding the customer

B2B product marketing in a rapidly changing world

Product marketing used to be straightforward – generate more, better-quality leads to pass on to sales. But the world moves faster now. Customer needs are changing rapidly, as are purchase processes, buyer committees, the role and job title of the principal point of contact, even the types of potential client companies.

As a result, what constitutes a qualified lead in six months time may be very different to how you’re defining one now. Your whole lead generation process has to be evolving continuously, based on up-to-date information from across the entire customer journey.

In this report you will gain a greater understanding of:

  • The need for an iterative and agile approach to defining and redefining customers profiles and personas
  • How and why the buying committee is constantly changing and how to stay on top of this trend
  • The need to create a higher degree of relevance as we move into a cookieless future
  • What it means to be a data-led marketer in an evolving world with greater complexity

More Better Leads Forever is a series of linked white-papers that will examine how B2B marketers can rethink demand generation for a fast-moving world.

Download part one now!